Are you interested in joining one of our teams and visiting the highlands of Guatemala?
Short term teams are a vital part of WIND’s partnership strategy and ministry growth. Over the years of WIND’s ministry in Cotzal, teams have helped to deepen our relationship with our partners in Cotzal.
Our upcoming trips include opportunities to help students and teachers at the school, provide dental care, and learn more about poverty and social justice issues in Guatemala. No matter what your team’s focus, our teams spend quality time with teachers and students, visit family’s homes and encourage the community.
upcoming TEAM DATEs
August 1-11, 2025: Service/Teacher Team
October 3-13, 2025: Dental Team
October 31-November 9, 2025: Graduation/CCC Team
November 7-15, 2025: Pastor Training Team
Assist and train teachers, provide classes and workshops for students, attend graduation, install stoves and meet various current needs at the school.
Deliver access to important dental care for students & families along with hygiene training and education.
Visit various programs run by relief and development organizations in Guatemala to stimulate and inspire participants to explore what their role might be in helping those living in poverty to improve their circumstances holistically and sustainably.
Facilitate the training of church pastors and leaders. WIND has launched a Biblical Studies Certificate program for pastors and lay leaders.
Are you ready to take the next step?
We’re excited to have you join us in Cotzal!